There is a new and exselent way to take care your body and lose weight. LeanSpa presents new a new product, made with natural ingridients like:
Acai Berry
Acai Berry has one of the highest antioxidant value of any edible substance in the world - 50 times that of red grapes!
Green Tea
Green tea helps promote fat burning and provides EGCG, a powerful metabolism booster and an essential anti-oxidant.
Garcinia Cambogia
HCA works by blocking lipogenesis or conversion of starches and sugars into fat that is stored and increases our weight. HCA also lessens existing fat through increased breakdown. Addi tionally,HCA raises the levels of Serotonin that have a role in appetite regulation.
Octopamine HCL
Octopamine HCL stimulates receptors involved in the processes of fat metabolism that directly cause fatty acids to be released from the adipose tissue and metabolized.
Caffeine acts as a dietary aid to promote increased fat oxidation and breakdown.
5-HTP increases the production of serotonin. Serotonin is essential for weight loss as it is a brain chemical which controls appetite. Serotonin is the satiety or satisfaction chemical. When your brain makes more serotonin, your appetite is more readily controlled, for example your thirst is when you drink enough water.
Chromium may help to control type 2 diabetes or the glucose and insulin responses in persons at high risk of developing the disease. Additionally, chromium can have an impact on blood lipid levels. Studies indicate that chromium can decrease total and low-density-lipoprotein (LDL or "bad") cholesterol and triglyceride levels and increased concentrations of apolipoprotein A (a component of high-density-lipoprotein cholesterol known as HDL or "good" cholesterol).
Get now your trial bottle and you gonna see results immediately.
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